打工度假 紐西蘭    


**2022年 紐西蘭打工度假簽證 申請辦法已公布!!


 紐西蘭打工度假     Working Holiday Program in NZ               NZ 打工套裝課程  NZ 打工度假簽證需知






Worldwide School of  English (奧克蘭)

New Horizon College of English 新地平線英語學校  (內皮爾)

Language Schools New Zealand  (基督城)

Language Schools New Zealand  (皇后鎮)




白金會員  26週套裝  特惠價格 $8,140 NZD   (總值$9,690 NZD.節省$1,625)





*考試預備班報讀資格(除劍橋考試 預備班)


黃金會員18週套裝 特惠價格 $5,895 NZD (總值$6,805 NZD.節省$1255)
*18週全日制課程(可在9個月內分期 完成﹐自由選擇在2-4所學校上課)





*考試預備班報讀資格(除劍橋考試 預備班)

白銀會員 13週套裝 特惠價格 $4,430 NZD (總值$4,980 NZD.節省$925)



*含半價優待加入紐西蘭語言學校 工作俱樂部(半價NZ$125)






**Combo Working Holiday 詳情**







學校名稱:Kaplan Aspect 國際英語學院

學校地點:奧克蘭 /  基督城

課程名稱:OPUS Working Holiday  打工度假課程


適合程度:中低級以上. 英語會話技巧優良.學生需通過英語測試方可獲得錄取



套裝內容:12週課程 + 一次有薪工作安排

(協助尋找工作 / 完成12週課程後.一次有薪工作安排)


此套裝課程費用: 紐幣$4680


**Aspect OPUS 有薪工讀課程 詳情**





學校名稱 Dominion English Schools  多明尼恩英語學院

   持有紐西蘭打工度假簽證者,申請密集英語課程7週, 送1週! (每週學費NZD$360)

Work and Study



3.費用:NZD$ 499

4.費用包含:接機費、3天住宿費用( 旅館 or 學生宿舍)、國際電話卡、當地手機預付    

5.程度要求:英文程度中級以上 且需於六週前註冊





學校名稱 Worldwide School of  English 

學校地點 紐西蘭-奧克蘭


Worldwide特別針對持有工渡假簽證的同學,提供WHV(Working Holiday Visa)服務,指導學生工作面談之準備,並協助在紐西蘭工作所需的相關資訊,打工渡假簽證學生需至少註冊四周全天課程(或六週半日課程),學校才能提供WHV的服務。

WHV support fee = 紐幣$250








  • Minimum enrolment period is 4 weeks full time. (6 weeks morning is also possible)
  • Free airport pick up and transfer to accommodation. (Homestay or apartment)
  • Meet with the WHV support coordinator to discuss options. The consultation will be held within 5 days of their start date. The discussion will be in English (but language counsellors may assist if there are difficulties with using English).
  • Receive 1-1 support from WHV support co-ordinator
  • Get a bank account and a tax number
  • As part of the support students are taught how to put together a CV (Resume) in English as well as discussions on the type of jobs possible. Students need to bring any relevant information regarding their education and work experience with them (dates, companies/institutions, references).
  • Once the student has completed their English CV, the student will return for a second consultation to have their CV checked and be given assistance with job search, using known local contacts, newspapers and internet.
  • The student will learn interview techniques with WHV support co-ordinator.
  • The student will receive assistance to make phone calls and/or apply for jobs in writing along with a sending of CV to potential employers.
  • The WHV support coordinator will also provide language support documents and discuss interview techniques and procedures for finding a job in New Zealand with the student.
  • The WHV support coordinator will be available by appointment to talk with the student about the WHV anytime during their course of study at school.
  • The student must be willing to accept any reasonable offer of employment. a "reasonable offer" is defined as a position meeting the student's qualifications within one of the following industries:
    Fruitpicking, Factory Work, Labour Hire, Hospitality, Hotel, Promotional Work, Call Centre, Basic Administration, Retail, Tourism, Adventure/ Outdoors.


    1-6週:紐幣$360/週         7-12週:紐幣$350/週

    13-23週:紐幣$340/週    24週以上:紐幣$330/週









**2022年 紐西蘭打工度假簽證 申請辦法已公布!!



1.  在台灣設藉並持有18個月以上效期之台灣護照

2.  赴紐西蘭之主要目的為度假. 打工為附帶目的而非入境之主因.


3. 申請案件時,年齡需介於十八至三十(足)歲         

4. 無子女同行

5. 購買來回機票或證明其有足夠的財力. 支付機票費用

6. 有足夠的財力支付在紐西蘭期間之生活開銷

7. 必須持有效的醫療保險

8. 不曾申請過紐西蘭打工度假簽證



