



中學準備課程 (High School Preparation) 所教授的內容不僅只是學習英語,更學習澳洲學校生活的方式--因為澳洲學校教育系統使用基於詢問的學習樣式,學生在這個系統成功的被鼓勵且幫助開發他們的技能。另外,澳洲學生的組織能力及分析能力也是台灣學生所需要加強的。所以,中學準備課程將讓您將來進入澳洲中小學全英文環境時,免除上課聽不懂及功課跟不上的困擾。


“I felt I was able to communicate well with my classmates and teachers. I understood what was needed and was able to discuss the books we studied.” "我感到我能與我的同學和老師溝通很好。我瞭解什麼是需要的也能談論我們學習的書。"– Chu Sui Ki (Cherry)

“It helped me to develop my English skills and to feel confident to take part in the classes. I was able to adapt easily to school in Australia.” "中學準備課程幫助我發展我的英語技能及在課堂上更有自信的去參與。我能夠容易地適應在澳洲的教育。"– Nguyen Can Man (Martin)